Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thoughts about the journey

I know that it has been sometime since I have blogged but time seems to slip between my fingers. It seems so crazy that God could take someone out of a place that they loved so well. A place that they fit in and felt as if nothing mattered. Then he puts them in a place where they know no one and says, "okay girl go get em'." This is a place that I don't want to call "home" and yet it is my home. It is hard to leave everything behind and start a new journey in my life. When I think of Indianapolis being a place that I gives me an empty feeling within my stomach.

Don't get my wrong I love this place and I love what I do. I love the people and the kids. I could not imagine me not being here but it is hard. Ministry is a hard job. It is hard because not only do I carry the burdens of my life but I know carry the burdens of everyone in the church. Ministry is lonely because you feel that people don't really know who you are and it takes a while to warm up to everyone. All and all I know that God has called me here and if he "brings you to it, he will bring you through it."

It had been hard to get settled in and organize my life. Since I have been here I have been trying to organize my office space...and it seems like every time it is organized it gets messed up again. I don't know how this happens:).

Right now I should be working...