Thursday, September 16, 2010

...Walk Out the Door...

*People come into our lives weather it be for a season, a reason or for a time. In life you learn who you can and can not trust. I have this thing that some may call a weakness... I don't like to call it a weakness... but some say I am too forgiving. How can one be too forgiving? Doesn't Christ forgive over and over and over again? The hard part is when I forgive the same person for the same thing over and over again...and I let them back into my life little by little... starting to trust the... and then they do the same thing again. It hurts, it knocks me down... but leaning on God is the only thing that will get me back to where I need to be.

*I thought that when I moved away from my family that I would be lonely and long for a guy in my life. What I found out is that God is my guy... (that may sound silly) but it is true. Sure I still long for a boyfriend and I have a desire to be married. I have shared those with God but in the meantime he has brought so many people into my life... that somewhat fill the void. Being alone in my apartment and on a nightly bases... has brought me to realize that God TRULY is enough for me. He is my everything, He is my all. I have a STRONG desire for a husband but I desire God more. My fulfillment is not in a husband it is in Christ Jesus.

*Things at the church and day care couldn't be better. The people here are amazing... and are like no other. The love here goes so deep and I couldn't be more blessed! Thank you Jesus for such a great place to worship, live and call my earthly home =)...

Love... ME

Monday, August 2, 2010

...I got the POWER...

So... It has been forever since I have posted but I will just say that there have been lots of changes! Here they are...
-I moved in June... to New Albany Indiana
-The new Children's Pastor at Heartland Church of the Naz
-After School and Summer Program Director at A Child's Heart Daycare.. at Heartland
-Things couldn't be better! AND I couldn't be more blessed!!!

More to come later... PROMISE