Thursday, February 28, 2008

...caution construction in progess

*Shelly (the pastor's wife) myspaced me today and told me that the apartment is looking great! I am so happy that the workers have been so willing to work with me. They have been awesome!!I am getting really excited to go see it again:) The coolest thing about this place is that I have a basement! It is a townhouse with a basement...I have never heard of such a thing. I am definatly getting my moneys worth. If that same apartment were here in Indianapolis there would be no way that I could afford the rent.

*I have been so amazed at how awesome the Lord has been to me throughout my life. About a month ago Pastor Rod asked me to preach my first Sunday. At first I was like no first Sunday? Well of course I said yes. God instantly gave me my all that I needed to do was find my points. I am some what of a procrastinator. I didn't really notice how much until college. I would stay up all hours of the night to do a paper. One time inparticular was when I have a 15 page paper to due....I honestly did it the DAY that it was due. Needless to say I got a good grade. Okay anyway back to the story. Suprisingly I haven't procrastinated on this sermon. Well during the same time that he had asked me to preach I was struggleing with watching too much T.V. and not spending my time with Him. Well one day I turned the T.V. off and just started writing out my sermon...WOW...I got it all done in that one day. I was obediant and look what happened. Now all I have to do it go through it until that day so I don't forget it:)

*I have been trying to find some good cirriculum for when I get out to Portsmouth. I subscribed to this really good magizine call The K Magazine. It has a TON of stuff in it for children's ministry. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I just want to make sure whatever I get is going to be powerful and effective.

*Last night I was watching American Idol with the fam and one of the girls sang "All by Myself" by Celiene Dion. Well I started singing it and mom was like..."well you are going to be all by yourself in the huge apartment." I am going to be all by myself...when I start to think about it...I get nervous. When I went away to college it was the worse feeling ever because I was so homesick. I always told myself I would never want to feel that way again...I have a feeling it is going to happen I am trying to prepare myself.

...I know that this is where God wants is just bittersweet.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

four hour drive turns into an over night stay... the Hampton Inn

*I have decided that I should create a blog to talk about my moving progress and the ministry that I have been called here it is!

*Dad, Mom and I packed up most of my stuff last Thursday and headed out to Portsmouth to move into my new apartment. On the way there we ran into some bad wheather...a mix of snow and sleet...I call it "sneet". It wasnt so bad a first... well by the time hit it started coming down. Dad was following me in the 18 foot Budget truck. Mom was riding with me...and boy that was some is truley a back seat driver...and the best thing is...she knows it. So the speed limit was 65 and we were going 30. We decided that we would pull off but there was nothing for miles. We decided to stop in Washington Court House, Ohio...well in normal weather this trip from Dayton to Washington C.H. would have been about an hour...well for us it was like two hours. Anyway we decide to stay in the Hampton Inn...over night.

*Finally we arrive in the little town of Portsmouth...the place I will soon call's bittersweet. I was excited and ready to see my new place...soon enough I would be stopped dead in my tracks saying...I don't wanna live there!

*We walk into apartment new home...and YIKES!!! There was so much stuff that needed to be done...when I say so much stuff I mean...a THREE page list of stuff! To name a few...I am sure that the guy who lived there before me had a cat because the guest room closet smelt like cat urine and litter, there was mold in the caulking of the shower, the toilet seats were nasty and yellow, and the KITCHEN, WOW...the cabinet doors were painted red...not so bad huh...well add some checked wallpaper to those cabinet doors and border with cherries on it. I honestly felt like I was back at Olivet living in one of those nasty apartments. I am sure that the people there living before me loved it but it just wasn't my style:) Good thing the people at the apartment place are nice and are going to fix everything:)

*After the nice people of Portsmouth helped me move in...we decided to go to Target. Which by the way the closest Target is an hour away...I think I might die! least the have a Wal-Mart...right?:/

All in all...after everything gets situated...I know I am going to love it there!