Thursday, May 16, 2013

WOMAN... You are blessed

Blessed abundantly was a phrase that I have heard so much as a little kid. I would never forget singing the song that says, "that life abundantly" I would turn and shake my butt because of course the song had motions. I also understand that what I described may seem strange to you if you have never heard the song... but for those of you who understand. As a kid I loved this song... but I never really understood the words... I actually thought it was amazing that I got to shake my butt in church and no adult told me I was going to go to hell for shakin it fast. As I got older I started to understand that abundantly didn't mean if you got a butt ...shake it in church...instead I started to learn that abundantly was a blessing.. well and so is a booty to shake... Now that I am at the stage in my life that I am at abundantly has taken a whole new meaning...

I often look at my life and say, " are one blessed woman..crazy to think that the Lord wants to give you more." I often wonder what I have done to deserve so many blessings in my life...and it all comes down to obedience...and yet again in my journey of life I share with you now...a testimony of obedience.

Many months ago I started feeling discouraged and really was at the point where I wanted to pull away from my ministry and everything it involved. Little did I know that in those moments of discouragement Jesus was working something out (isn't he always at work)...I continued to pray for guidance and direction.. knowing that my heart wasn't fully with one part of my job. For those of you who know me will know that if my heart isn't fully in the ministry that I am involved in...I will choose to not be a part of a half heart job. As you can imagine this was very frustrating to me. See I was hired for my job to actually do two was working with mommies and their babies...the other was to work with the maternity home. Well long story short... my heart was being pulled away from the mommies and their babies. Don't get me wrong...I love those girls and the little lives that they brought into this world...but I couldn't continue with them and feel that I was giving them the things that they needed. After a series of events my boss called me one day and asked me how I would feel about working full time in the maternity home. He had no idea that I had secretly been praying this that would happen. Now here I am as the Head Houseparent for the maternity home (The Royal Home)...I praise God for this blessing. Along with this blessing comes many more challenges but along the way the Lord is teaching me. At the age of 28 and with no husband I feel so inadequate to lead these girls but I push on.