Thursday, February 28, 2008

...caution construction in progess

*Shelly (the pastor's wife) myspaced me today and told me that the apartment is looking great! I am so happy that the workers have been so willing to work with me. They have been awesome!!I am getting really excited to go see it again:) The coolest thing about this place is that I have a basement! It is a townhouse with a basement...I have never heard of such a thing. I am definatly getting my moneys worth. If that same apartment were here in Indianapolis there would be no way that I could afford the rent.

*I have been so amazed at how awesome the Lord has been to me throughout my life. About a month ago Pastor Rod asked me to preach my first Sunday. At first I was like no first Sunday? Well of course I said yes. God instantly gave me my all that I needed to do was find my points. I am some what of a procrastinator. I didn't really notice how much until college. I would stay up all hours of the night to do a paper. One time inparticular was when I have a 15 page paper to due....I honestly did it the DAY that it was due. Needless to say I got a good grade. Okay anyway back to the story. Suprisingly I haven't procrastinated on this sermon. Well during the same time that he had asked me to preach I was struggleing with watching too much T.V. and not spending my time with Him. Well one day I turned the T.V. off and just started writing out my sermon...WOW...I got it all done in that one day. I was obediant and look what happened. Now all I have to do it go through it until that day so I don't forget it:)

*I have been trying to find some good cirriculum for when I get out to Portsmouth. I subscribed to this really good magizine call The K Magazine. It has a TON of stuff in it for children's ministry. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I just want to make sure whatever I get is going to be powerful and effective.

*Last night I was watching American Idol with the fam and one of the girls sang "All by Myself" by Celiene Dion. Well I started singing it and mom was like..."well you are going to be all by yourself in the huge apartment." I am going to be all by myself...when I start to think about it...I get nervous. When I went away to college it was the worse feeling ever because I was so homesick. I always told myself I would never want to feel that way again...I have a feeling it is going to happen I am trying to prepare myself.

...I know that this is where God wants is just bittersweet.

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