Saturday, February 26, 2011 GO!

Being mission minded has been my focus. I believe that too many times we sit around waiting for something to happen. I have been striving and praying for that boldness of Jesus Christ. I want it so bad and at times I become extremely passionate about it.

The other day I was talking to someone a little older then me... and they wanted me to think about where I felt like God was going to take me in 10 years. It kind of scared me to think of where I would be... and I don't want to go there alone. I am not someone who is desperate to be married... I however am someone who is desperate to be in the will of Jesus Christ. So it left me to wonder... if I am someone who is desperate to go where God would have me to go... why to I wonder in the wilderness... looking... waiting... watching for something more then what I already have. I am not alone... I will not go there alone and I will not go throughout life being alone... because I have God. Wherever he leads me... I won't be alone... now does this make it easy?... no it doesn't but I rest assured in knowing that God has my best interest in mind. So I will not wait for my future instead my future will wait for me!

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