Tuesday, August 25, 2009

...facebook frenzy...

oh facebook...

at first facebook was fun and i loved to be nosey... but now i feel so burnt out... here is my question... why live life through facebook?... i have never really liked internet communication ever... and it seems as if people are on facebook ALL the time... how can one person sit on facebook so much. there are only so many times that you can look at ones pics, play so many games and how many times can you really farm in farm land or farmville... whatever it is called. basically i feel that time is wasted... what if the world spent this much time actually face to face with their friends instead of living through facebook... wow would relationships be stronger or what?! ...

just my two cents take it or leave it...

1 comment:

bnpositive said...

So, why are you sitting there at your computer blogging and not out somewhere having a real conversation? =)