Thursday, June 11, 2009

...if we only realized...

This is a true story... I have chosen to protect the real names of those people involved... for now the girls name is Lucy and the birds name is Charlie.

This is a story of hope, a story of understanding and most importantly a story of faith...

Lucy lived on a farm and one day she heard this bird out in the back trying to chirp...but there was barely any noise coming from the bird. Lucy's heart breaks for any animal who sufferes and she couldn't let this bird die. Lucy's family owns two dogs and she knew that if the bird had tried to get away that the dogs would attack the bird instantly. Lucy doing all that she knew to do put the dogs up and ran to the store to pic up a bird cage and food. She ran into the store and grabbed the only cage that they had... (which just so happened to be $30) along with a big bag of bird seed. Lucy rushed home and ran to the backyard to grab the bird in hopes to save its life. The bird grew very tired and scared. After a long attempt to grab the bird Lucy finally caught the bird and held it in her arms. She then took the bird and put it into the cage along with water and bird seed. This poor bird wouldn't eat or drink. Lucy begged the bird to just eat and that she was there to protect it and give in the nurture the it needed. This bird was slowly dieing so Lucy decided to give it a name "Charlie." Lucy then sang to the bird... silly as it may seem Lucy's love for this bird was unconditional. It grew late at night as the sun had already went down... Lucy left the light on for the bird. When Lucy came back in the morning the bird was dead. IF Charlie would have just understood that Lucy was trying to bring him back to life.

IF WE ONLY REALIZED... that this is the love that God has for each of us... if we could only come to the realization that HE has OUR best interest in mind... IF ONLY...

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