Monday, March 5, 2012

Analyze This!

If you know me know that I over analyze EVERYTHING! Being a girl plays into this whole over analytical just add my crazy brain into the mix and you get an over analytical crazy girl who thinks to much about thinking...Yes I did just got back and read this whole run on sentence more than once. Some examples of my over analytical mind would include: Every time I leave a message for someone on their voicemail...if they have an option for me to review the voicemail...I have to review it every time. If my voice is off or I say something stupid I have to re-record it. Another example is this...the other day I was at a Children's Leadership Retreat when I noticed this lady looking at me...I tried not to make eye contact...oops she got my attention...she asked me what church I went to and then she said sorry if you saw me looking at you...I was just admiring how pretty you are. Awkwardly I said thank you. OK hold the is not everyday that someone stops me and says that...and in my mind I thought why were you not a tall, dark and handsome man...that was my age and wanted a girl like me...=)...okay then after that thought went through my mind...I walked into the bathroom and looked at my if I didn't over analyze that face 5 times that morning I had to look for the 6th time...I then walked out of the bathroom and thought I bet she thinks that I am not pretty and she felt bad for me so to boost my self esteem that maybe she thought I didn't have she told me I was pretty...WOW really Kendra I are way to over analytical and something needs to change. I analyze my life way too much and at times go into spazz mode...thinking okay if this happens in my life then I do this...or here is another option and so on.

Last night God hit me dead in those over analytical steps... I was reading me devotional when these words jumped out at me... "Remember to love me. When I am your top priority, everything else in your life will fall into place. When you love me, your mind will be focused on what really matters. You are always at the forefront of my mind. Let me be the forefront of yours." WOW!!! I have to admit when I am over analyzing my in the world can God be at the forefront of my mind?...

Today I am learning to be an unanalytical thinker...I no longer want to be an over analytical spazz of a girl who even drives herself totally crazy!

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