Monday, August 20, 2012

Packing Boxes!

This blog isn't an easy blog for me to write. I am in an overwhelming place in my life but I thought that this would be the best way to explain to all of you the exciting things that are taking place. I am going to be very transparent in this post and I hope all of you will be able to hear my heart. 

A new chapter:
Back in February I felt as if the Lord was disconnecting me from people in my the church...and disconnecting me from my job. I have had this feeling before in my life...when I was moving from home and when I was moving from Ohio. A part of me knew that a new place and a new chapter was coming. I didn't really want that to be it though...I didn't want the Lord to take me away from people that I love and a job that I enjoyed so much. I will admit I was resistant...okay very resistant. I began to pray about the journey and where the Lord was leading me. I never want to be out of his grip...and I thought maybe I was just in a funk...going through the motions...getting into a routine. God continued to pull me. After much prayer and conversations with my family...and through a series of events I decided to send an email to a Children's Home in North Carolina (just asking about information on job possibilities). This was near the middle of June. I never heard back from them and so I told the Lord that I was closing the door and if he desired he could open it again. July 1st missionary speakers came and spoke at church about stepping out on faith...when God tells you to go. During that night I felt so confirmed in my spirit that God was calling me away. The week of July 23rd I got an email from my sister saying that the home in North Carolina was hiring single females. This time I actually had a number to call instead of an email address. I called the home and on July 31st I had one of the most peaceful conversations. I knew in my spirit that I was going to be going to that home. I sent in my application and on August 7th I had another extremely peaceful conversation with another person from the home. That night he offered me the job over the phone. I was extremely overwhelmed! I took a couple of days to pray about everything...even though I already knew that God was calling me and leading me. On Friday August 10th I was planning on calling them to let them know that I would take the job...sight unseen. With the guidance of my mom...she told me that I needed to call my landlord to see how much it would be to get out of my lease. My landlord told me...$6,000 because I had re-signed in June. She was very firm on this and told me that she wouldn't except monthly payments but that I needed to have it all up front. I called North Carolina to inform them of everything. We then took the weekend to pray about everything and I called them back on Monday. They told me that they would be able to type up a certified letter stating that they would send in a monthly payment. I called my Landlord and she said that she would have to think about it and get back to me tomorrow (Tuesday August 14th). We talked on the 14th and she told me that she would except the letter...just another confirmation. I went to my pastor that day and resigned my position. God is so faithful and I wish that I had the time to share all the confirmations that this is what the Lord has for me. 

So what am I going to be doing?:  
I will be working with the Falcon Children's Home and the Royal Home. The Falcon Children's Home is for teenagers in crisis situations. The Royal Home is for teenagers/young women who are pregnant or who have just recently given birth and in crisis situations. I will be a houseparent...teaching them basic life skills...while ministering to them that Jesus is the only true way...building relationships and loving them in spite of their past. 

The work of the Lord:
8 Years ago while I was attending Olivet the Lord told me that I would be working with teens in crisis situations. I never knew how...or when the Lord would work this out... I just knew he would! For the last 8 years I have prayed that the Lord would open up doors of opportunities. The doors that he has opened for me to work with children/teens has been amazing...and he continued to open doors for me to be a children's pastor. I never thought that when he opened the door for me to work with teens in crisis situations that I would be at a church that I love so much...and surrounded by so many AMAZING people! His ways are better then my own. I also never knew that the doors would open so easily... I am stepping out on faith and doing one of the scariest things that I have ever done. I am moving 11 hrs away from home...selling all of my stuff and going to a place sight unseen... I have never been there...I have no idea what I am getting myself into. The only thing that I do know is that God has gone before me...and I have to trust that he knows what he is doing! 

It is bittersweet...because of how many amazing relationships that I have here...but I know that God is guiding my every steps. 

I would appreciate all of the prayers that I can get... I am truly stepping out into the unknown. If you have more questions...just ask! Look for updates in the future! 

To find out more please visit 


Shelly said...

Praying for you girlfriend!!! Wish you could come see us before you go or we could come see you! I'm sure somewhere our paths will cross again! Love ya!

Unknown said...

Kendra, you are an inspiration!! You have no idea what ready your blog has meant to me. I to am feeling God's pull to step out of faith...I just have no idea what that means yet. Thank you for your faithfulness, and willingness to share. You are a true servant of God. I know He will use you in North Carolina to reach those girls. God bless you in your quest for Him!!

K-Dub said...

Thanks Shelly!

Thanks Lisa!... Don't know how much of an inspiration I really am but what I do know is that God is so faithful! I will be praying for you that you allow God to guide you in your step of faith! His was are so much better than ours! Love you!

K-Dub said...

ways... not was... haha