Tuesday, September 18, 2012

...Like a Lion...

*When saying the word lion I am sure many things would pop into someones mind... Many would say a 4 legged animal that roams around in the jungle...with a big mane... lots of hair...scary...or even the King of the jungle. Some may even refer to the good classic Disney movie...The Lion King. As for me when I think about a lion...I think about the lions den... I have found myself many times this week being reminded of the lion in the lions den. Every time I read in the Bible about Daniel in the Lion's Den I stand amazed! These hungry, vicious, meat eating lions...were coming at Daniel...wanting to rip his skin apart...and shred him into little pieces... I stand amazed the the Lion's didn't touch him what so ever! He was protected...by the King...the King of the lions...

*I guess this leads me to this past week...many of you know that I started my new job...solely based on faith...This past week and this current week have been extremely exciting! I have honestly never in my life ever felt like God is going to use me the way that he is going to here. I say that because this is my one true passion...yes I enjoyed being a children's pastor and I know that God used me in many amazing ways...but when you are truly living your passion is when you feel most fulfilled! I found quickly at this job that the girls that I will be working with have horrible past lives...most of them are crying out for love. These girls have never felt "true love" ever in their lives...and they have never known positive attention. Another thing that I learned very quickly is that these girls are more crisis then what I expected them to be. I am absolutely not complaining because I feel as if God is going to be doing a great work amongst these girls.

*Last week I stayed at the Royal Home...this is a home that can hold up to 6 girls who are pregnant. Cynthia and Caesar are the lead house parents of this home and I will be working alongside them at this home and the Mothers and Babies cottage. They are wonderful people and we have really connected on a great level... I am very excited to be working with them. The other night the three of us were talking and Caesar said that it is so refreshing to have someone around that is their daughters age. Their daughters name is Janelle...she is 26 years old and she will be getting married in November. God is doing great things!

*Last night one of my girls was being pretty defiant. After I took care of the situation I was a little fired up...that she would be so defiant. The whole time before I talked to the girl I prayed that the Lord would give me the words to say...and I believed he did just what I asked. I went back to my room and thanked the Lord for giving me the words to say. After this situation had taken place I went up to do a room check and heard one of the other girls reading scripture from the bible. I was already reminded about why I do what I do. I also believe that the scripture that she read was also for me. This is what she was reading Psalm 7:2 "O Lord my God, I take refuge in you; save and deliver me, or they will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces with no one to rescue me." I was so amazed!!! God is so good... I have started to pray that before I get into any situation that the Lord will guide my words and shut my mouth like he did the lions in the den...or that he would shut the other persons mouth like the lions in the lions den...

Like a lion....the Lord is our King....

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